chicks 1 day

  1. A

    Why my Light Sussex Chicks are brown?

    I have Few Light sussex chickens, From past month I notice 2% of chicks are brown, I dont have any brown breed in my stock. why this happen?
  2. Raptorchick

    First time hen-hatch

    Hi all! I've been incubating eggs for years now... the last time I let a hen hatch eggs, the chicks were extremely skittish (to the point of being untameable), so I bought an incubator for better handling results. Then a month ago, two of my hens starting sitting in a location I couldn't reach...
  3. The chicken Hatcher

    How do I teach chicks how to eat???

    Hey all. I had a couple of chicks hatch yesterday, and they won't eat. I've been poking it, and putting a little on my finger and showing to them. They eat a little, then back away and/or run away. How do I teach them how to eat?
  4. The chicken Hatcher

    How do I teach chicks how to eat?

    I had a couple of chicks hatch yesterday, and they won't eat. I've been poking it, putting it on my finger and showing them it. They eat a little then back up and/or run away. They also will not drink out of the waterer, I have to help them. How do I teach them to eat???
  5. Newbie123

    Will he live?

    Okay so a chickwas but apparently his mom packed the egg so now he's like really small and his eyes arent open he was hatching already so you think he'll live so I don't know please reply
  6. Hannahnic14

    Help with wing sexing chicks!

    I just purchased 4 silkie chicks from my local tractor supply. They can't be much older than 24-48 hours. (in my opinion) There are so many videos on wing sexing and I'm a bit any help would be appreciated!!!
  7. RainValleyFarm

    Brooder & any raising help appreciated!!!

    Hi guys! I am picking up day old chicks on Saturday (18 of them!) so I have a few questions. 1. How do I regulate the temperature with a brooder plate? I don’t want to use lamps as they scare me (fire hazard) 2. I have about a 2 hour drive with them. How can I prepare for them to stay warm...
  8. K

    New member in Vermont with chick temperature question

    Hey there! I'm brand new to keeping chickens. I have 10 chicks on their way to me, arriving tomorrow. My husband and I want to start out with them in the garage. We have dogs in the house and would rather not deal with the drama of keeping them out of an area. Our house doesn't really have a...
  9. B

    Buff laced Brahma

    I am new to posting on BYC but have been using forums for over 4 years. :woot Anyways, I am really trying to find Buff laced Brahma hatching eggs or chicks for sale. They are the most beautiful breed I have seen and would love to raise some. Any help would be appreciated. 😁
  10. Alex S

    How long can chicks go without heat?

    As you can see above I'm wondering how long day-old chicks can go without heat. I'm worried they will get too cold when I'm driving home from the feed store. Plus I will want to pick them up and play with them in the future. Is there any certain time frame they can go without sustainable heat?
  11. Chick-mama

    Will I have easter Eggers?

    Hey everyone! We just had our very first hatch four days ago (yah!) from our own chicks..but I'm very curious what they will be.. our roo is a Americauna and we have a variety of hens (these three are the eggs the babies came from) Rhode Island red Australorp ISA brown I guess I'm very curious...
  12. V

    Sleepy Baby chick

    I’m concerned about some baby chicks I bought recently. I bought 5 and only 1 seems to have very little energy. She had pasty poo build up when I got her and cleaned it immediately when I got home. I’m worried she’s sick due to her poo not being able to come out. Anyone knows what is wrong or if...
  13. L

    Looking for chicks in Nebraska

    Hi there, I am looking to start a small chicken flock in my backward and was looking for sources to find chicks in Nebraska. I know some are available and Tractor Supply and there are many online ways of ordering eggs, I was just looking for a local option to support. Do you know of any place...
  14. Nero70002

    Speckled Sussex Thread

    This thread is for all Speckled Sussex owners (or soon to be). This thread is for questions like is my SS a roo?, what is the quality of my SS?, is my chick a SS?, and anything related to SS. This thread can also be used for posting pictures of your SS and discussing SS.
  15. L

    Surprise straight

    Picked up my surprise straight run from Ideal today all 13 survived the 2 day trip from Texas to California. I haven't sexed then yet trying to figure out breeds any help is appreciated. I have figured out there are a few different Murans in there. Thanks
  16. A

    New chick owner and very confused

    Hello! I’m glad to be a part of the chicken raising club but definitely struggling along this far. I think my brooder is too warm, but yet my chickens are all huddled together. They are panting, and definitely to the side of the coop, but they are also huddling and seem to be trying to snuggle...
  17. Saaniya

    New Babies With My Home Roosters

    I just Rescue these two lil muchkin ..with my tootoo teetee BYC helped me growing tootoo teetee and I know all my dearest pals here help me again ..
  18. H

    Sexing silkies and polish

    So I have 5 babies in one flock and no idea what sex they are, all are displaying dominance My polish girl (I think) however has recently started trying to crow. Any help guys?
  19. Tylerblockbuster

    Suprise chicks

    So a hen I have had a secret stash of eggs so you can probably see how I got caught off gaurd by the new babies. As this is only my second batch of chicks ever hatched by the mom I need some advice because i brought them inside and my mom hates the smell, and it gets to be 30 at night in the...
  20. T

    Adding chicks to mama hen 2 days after hatch

    Hi, Sorry to ask a question straight away but I’ve searched the forum and can’t find anything specifically on this topic. I have a lovely, very maternal Light Sussex who went broody three weeks ago and I snuck 6 Barnvelder eggs under her. She sat on them like a champ but unbeknownst to me...
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