hatching chicks

  1. K


    Ok, I'm new at this guessing game. I think I can see bullseyes on both of my girls eggs. I have 2 pics of each. Tell me what you think please, fertile or not. My 2 girls (a lavendar buff and an olive easter egger) have been away from their roosters for 13 days now. I've got 15 eggs and...

    Austrlop cross Leghorn

    Hi I have some chicks due next Monday and I wanted to know if any of you people have ever cross bred Austrlops and black leghorn and what is it’s laying capabilities and colours of them the dad is the black leghorn and the pullets are Austrlop’s
  3. Sheeba

    Do I need to separate more then one brooding hen

    Hello All; I have several hens brooding at the same time and was wondering if I need to separate them from each other? The hens are brooding in the same coop but in their own nests. I was wondering if when babies hatch then would each hen tend to their own or will the girls attack other chicks...
  4. MomJones

    I Trust Nature, Letting Brahma Mama Do Her Thing

    She started with 12 eggs, then the numbers began to dwindle. At first I thought it was rats--it can't be snakes because the nights have been in the 30's or even 20's too often. Then I decided she was eating her own eggs. I was furious. Furious!!!!! How can this be happening? After doing a...
  5. Quailobsessed

    Broody for the forth time in a row. Do I stop her?

    I have a king quail hen who has been broody since July. She went broody on eight eggs and hatched out three chicks in July. One chick was rejected the moment she hatched so we hand raised her. The other two were rejected at two and a half weeks old. One died, the other we found half dead but we...
  6. ShrekDawg

    KDOGG331’s Hatch Thread!!!

    @FortCluck thought I should make a thread for my hatch and I thought that was an excellent idea so here I am!! :D Sooooo.... I kind of sort of accidentally ordered hatching eggs about a week and a half ago. :lau :hide They just shipped out today!! I am super excited!! They are assorted...
  7. Audrey Watson

    July 4th Babies

    Hey everyone! This thread is going to be all about our baby chicks that are due to hatch on July 4th! I don’t know if I posted this in the right place so if I didn’t please tell me. The eggs were taken by our broody hen on Thursday, June 13, and they are due to hatch on Thursday, July 4th. Below...
  8. Cristalzita

    Backyard chicken owner

    I have a 5 chicken flock. One Buff Orpington, Austalorp, Barred Rock, Red Star, and Easter Egger. Names Buffy, Scarlet, Dak, Crispy, and Cheeks respectively. For me, my 5 chickens are my pets and egg layers for my family. I built their coop with my father with an attached run and all but they...
  9. Raptorchick

    Placement for Lockdown

    Hey all, So, I have a few eggs going into lockdown tomorrow. It seems like every time I put them in lockdown, a least two or three die that day. They could be dying in the three or four days following lockdown, since I don't open it until the first chick is fluffy, but it seems like the ones...
  10. janiedoe

    Enticing a broody to sit

    My hens are laying so many eggs right now. I feed two dozen a week back to them, another dozen to my dogs, I give away about 2 dozen a week, and my husband eats 3 a day. Today I decided to place a fresh (today's only) dozen in a nesting box so that my proven broody mama can see them. Hopefully...
  11. Peppercorngal

    A Chick Baby, Just This Morning!

    My hen, Maggie, went broody and has been setting on 3 eggs since February 19th. This morning I went out and hear the chick chirping and it was still wet! I had an appointment in town and came back and took a couple of (bad) photos of the chick. Just for kicks I picked up the other two eggs...
  12. kellym424

    Chick struggling to unzip

    I have a few silkie eggs in incubator that were due to hatch on Feb 13. One started that evening and finally came out a little before 1am on Valentine's day. Another one started piping at about 9:30 last night and at about 1pm today it made a full hole. However it has only made the hole slightly...
  13. paintedChix

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Well, since no one else seemed to make one, I decided to. I'm not sure I'm really the "right" person to do so, since so far, I seem to be doing so many things the "wrong" way. But my new incubator arrived and I've set 36 eggs for a February 11 expected hatch date. So why do I think I might be...
  14. G

    Can I move eggs from hen to an incubator to hatch?

    So to make a long story short, I think my broody hen Spice is killing her babies. She had eight eggs. I hadn’t checked in several days but today I found a baby on the coop floor that she seemed to have hurt (it had some small wounds and died shortly after I found it, poor thing). No sign of its...
  15. Citychickengal

    Any luck with Bantam Cochin roo fertilizing LF hens?

    Does anyone have any experience with a Bantam Cochin fertilizing their LF hens? I have a Mille Fleur bantam Cochin roo, and I’d love to hatch some little barnyard mixes just to expand my own flock. I’ve only had my roo for about two months, and although he tries to breed my hens, watching him I...
  16. Trinitydraco

    Going into lockdown 12 hours early due to cracked eggs.

    So I have 3 cats...I bet we can see what happened here! Yup, they were racing around and even though I keep my incubator well out of the way and tucked back they still managed to hit it. 2 eggs knocked into each other and cracked. It is half way through day 17 and even though I tried to repair...
  17. B

    Broody problems // Ant nest ??

    My broody has been sitting for 20 days now. This morning, we found a pretty yellow and brown chick sitting under her. Of course, we were beyond excited, but there are two more eggs that have yet to even pip. She doesn’t show any signs of leaving right now, but if the eggs don’t pip soon, will...
  18. angelmand25

    Hatching chicks in summer

    Hello all! We have been planning on hatching eggs in early Spring 2019 but are so excited that we are considering hatching now. We live in northeast Ohio and the eggs would hatch late July which means they would be about 16 weeks old when cold/snow would hit. What are everyone's thoughts about...
  19. poultry person


    We're hatching chicks and today is the day their supposed to hatch but, Buttterball (the broody hen) pecked at one that started to bleed is this normal or do I need to do something about it?! Help me!!
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