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  1. PeiTheCelt

    About Us 7

    ...hoping it will be ready by November, so they can go outside before winter really hits, but worst case scenario, they will live in the basement until early spring. :) This is a series of pages that are very much in progress (note the complete lack of any pictures yet *grin*), but it's a start. :)
  2. PeiTheCelt

    First Hatch

    Kentswold Chicks Record of First Hatching Day 1 (9/2/07 H-21) Placed 24 eggs into the pre-heated Hova-Bator. Temp at 101, no hygrometer yet, but we've filled the resevoir and the vent caps are in. Each egg was numbered and a note was made about egg color and description. Day 2 (9/3/07 H-20)...
  3. PeiTheCelt

    About Us 1

    Kentswold Chicks About Us (this will be fleshed out) I'm 29, married to my best friend, have a 3 year old monster named Fiona, a 6 year old Black Lab/Aussie Shepherd Cross named Maggie, a 8 year old kitty named Tiger, and a ghost kitty named Clover that we had to put down in late August...
  4. PeiTheCelt

    Every time you turn on the news...

    Quote: It's horrifying how *young* these kids are too. It's a shame they're also invariably the oddballs and outcasts, having been one, it's hard enough when you don't face the stigma of "Freaks go nuts and kill people" (which definitely cropped up in high schools in CO at least after...
  5. PeiTheCelt

    A little help with my brochure, please. :)

    Not to sound like it's a bad thing, but make sure people realize that they don't stay little cute fluffballs forever, and they take *time* to turn into real pets if that's what they're looking for. An hour a night isn't overkill to really socialize young birds, and that can really make things...
  6. PeiTheCelt

    Every time you turn on the news...

    Quote: I would start a list of wrong things but that would be a really llong post :thun I was going for the ones I think are the least controversial, there are others, but I am NOT trying to turn this into a political debate really.. (And Southern, I'm hoping that they'd only lock it if it...
  7. PeiTheCelt

    Every time you turn on the news...

    Quote: Don't get me wrong, I think that GWB is the WORST thing to happen to this country, EVER (well maybe since McCarthy), but I *REALLY* hope you are just making a snide comment about liberals and you're not actually blaming this on the moron at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. There are a lot of...
  8. PeiTheCelt

    Free shipping might end early

    Should we have ordered less?
  9. PeiTheCelt

    What is your favorite quote?

    I have two: I know this one is already listed, but I feel like lately it's an important one to remember: "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security" Benjamin Franklin And this one is a little odd, but is a quote from Henry V by W...
  10. PeiTheCelt


    ...becuase it's hysterically funny.. I sent my dh a link to this post that essentially said "I'm never complaining about childbirth again, I only *have* to do it once in my lifetime" (I already have so it can't be 0 for me ). dh: ow dh: with a side order of youch! me: Yeahhh that's about what...
  11. PeiTheCelt

    My new Indian Summer Chick!

    So cute!!!! (You can copy and paste the links into new windows to see the pics.. Even if the post isn't showing them.. )
  12. PeiTheCelt

    So it's not the flu. that in adults, 104 is when you start worrying about neurological problems, so at 100-101 I would start to get twitchy if you're not seeing a *lessening* of symptoms, but rather new and different stuff cropping up. In the meantime, benadryl might help if it's an allergic reaction to...
  13. PeiTheCelt

    Akitas ?

    Quote: You know 100 years ago, when the dogs were out with Dad while he worked the farm or followed Mom around while she was doing chores, MAYBE that was true and meant something. But it's just plain irresponsible to just leave your dog running outside all day unless you're with them.. I...
  14. PeiTheCelt

    Cheesy but thank you guys

    Quote: Oooh I hadn't thought about those, that would be great fun for the kids, and they're getting old enough now that it's probably about time to introduce them to some yummy treats (and grit ) anyway! And yeah, I'm glad it went well too, though I'm bloody exhausted today, which surprises...
  15. PeiTheCelt

    Fliers have been sent out!

    heh, christmas order is going in as we speak.
  16. PeiTheCelt

    Any hand spinners or knitters out there?

    As a thought, you might also see if their is a local Society for Creative Anachronism chapter near you, there are a *LOT* of fiber artists in the SCA who are always on the look out for fibers. (start here based on your location note, you should be able to find the...
  17. PeiTheCelt

    Cheesy but thank you guys

    ...not the one who did good (which is why I had to send out a thank you ) And the endoscopy, well, it went. It was easier yesterday, I'm actually *really* sore today (which sort of surprises me), and (though I don't remember a THING after they gave me the sleepy drugs, so this is all based on...
  18. PeiTheCelt

    Cheesy but thank you guys

    Quote: well, this time around.. I've had enough panicked "WHAT DO I DO!?!?" posts that I wouldn't say I have a handle on it all, but.. From learning from everyone here I knew what needed to be done to keep the little ones safe, and that was a good feeling, so I wanted to share my thanks.
  19. PeiTheCelt

    OH dear GOD, I am gonna need help!!! LONG!! PICS!

    Deb, you are a saint, I am amazed that you're taking these guys on. I wish we lived closer, if nothing else to help out (I think my dh would kill me if I brought any more birds home at this point). You are the kind of human being the world needs more of.
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