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  • Users: Amc29
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  1. Amc29

    Lining, Cocci, Something Else? *pics included*

    The pictures included are a couple close-ups, and then a bit farther away (for size perspective). The chicks are a few days over four weeks old, and to the best of my understanding, they have not been exposed to anything that has been outside or used by other animals. I think everything they...
  2. Amc29

    Failure To Thrive At 3-4 Weeks

    I have ten chicks at the moment that hatched right around April 3rd. One of them is acting in a concerning manner and doesn't seem to be getting better. I originally noticed her looking quite puffed up and not hanging out with the others last weekend. Since I have experienced having chicks...
  3. Amc29

    Using Dirt From Under an Old Roost

    We have a coop on the property that, after roughly thirty years, has been knocked down with plans to replace it. It served the family well since my childhood, but it was rotting. The last time there were chickens there was about two years ago. The coop was designed with a little room that was...
  4. Amc29

    Joining two "feral" hens with the flock in the run

    In addition to our main flock, we have two "feral" chickens we obtained from a friend. We have had these two for probably close to a year. Other than a night or two one of them spent in the coop (the other escaped and ran away into the woods for a day), they have refused to join the flock in the...
  5. Amc29

    What killed our roo?

    Our roo was killed this morning, sometime around 5 and 7, I believe (I heard it happen, but the noise he made was so brief, I didn't realize he had been attacked). This particular rooster insisted on roosting in a tree instead of the coop due to the older rooster who doesn't care for him, so we...
  6. Amc29

    Six month old rooster with wry neck

    Yesterday I noticed our rooster walking around with his head tilted to one side. He is the same today, no worse as far as I can tell. There are some moments when it almost looks as though his head and neck will straighten, but it does not last long. He eats and drinks just fine, still walks and...
  7. Amc29

    17 week old chick/pullet lethargic

    If anyone has any idea about what I am describing, advice would be helpful. For prevention of it happening again if nothing else. Thanks in advance. I have a black copper Marans ailing, and I am uncertain she will last the night. She is about 16 or 17 weeks old (has not laid as far as I know)...
  8. Amc29

    A roughly 8 week old chick that appears behind

    I have four chicks that are roughly 8 weeks old. Two are black copper marans, one is a cream legbar (or welsummer...not entirely sure), and the other is a lavender orpington. The first three listed feathered out several weeks ago, but the orpington seems to be trapped in a mostly non-feathered...
  9. Amc29

    Chick hatched Day 19

    Yesterday was day 18. I candled both eggs before lock down to check the air pockets (one was a small speckled Sussex egg, the other egg is larger and I believe it to belong to my turken). The smaller egg surprised me because it appeared to have already internally pipped. My other egg was where I...
  10. Amc29

    Did my chicken kill my chicks...or something else?

    Today was the first day I had my chicks outside in the chicken yard. I have them in a dog crate, something I have successfully used in the past. Take note I have been outside a lot today and none of the chickens seemed the slightest bit interested in the chicks (doesn't mean they weren't later)...
  11. Amc29

    Malformed egg

    I candled my chicken eggs this morning (day 7), and realized that one of them is fairly malformed. I do not remember it being this way when I put it in (not impossible, but I don't remember it being this way). So far, development looks great, but I am concerned with viability going forward. I...
  12. Amc29

    Ayam Cemani Behaviour

    I am considering purchasing some Ayam Cemani. I think they are beautiful and striking and so far believe I would love to add them to my flock. That being said, I am interested in people's personal experiences in owning/being around them. I was recently informed by someone that they found the...
  13. Amc29

    Do I need to quarantine for the coccidiosis

    I unexpectedly lost a chick yesterday morning. I suspected coccidiosis because I spotted a bunch of bloody stool. I started the rest of the three and a half week old chicks on Corid, and this morning spotted more of the stool (this time it very obviously appeared to be coccodiosis). All the...
  14. Amc29

    Curled feet

    I have a three week old chick that, as far as I can tell, started presenting symptoms yesterday. For those who saw my last post, this is not the same one that has the hoarse sounding peep. Yesterday I noticed it was not walking great, but it was acting more along the lines that maybe it pulled...
  15. Amc29

    Hoarse sounding chick

    I have a brooder set up with eight chicks, all of which act happy and healthy. Last night, however, I noticed I heard a hoarse peeping sound, and tonight I identified the chick that has it (I don't recall hearing it earlier today). The chick seems overall just fine, the only symptom I have so...
  16. Amc29

    Wondering if I should be worried...

    I have a few chicks right now that I have had for a week, so they are about a week and a half old (I think they hatched on the 13th). Seven of the eight act happy and healthy, nice and active. The eighth one, though, I am just not sure about. It is a smaller variety (I don't think bantam small...
  17. Amc29

    Hello from the Oregon coast!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am not. I have been around chickens almost my entire life, except for a few years. My parents had them as far back as I can remember, and now I have them with my husband and son. The first in our own flock is almost two. (2) How...
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