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  1. Queen of the Lilliputians

    How long does Priority REALLY take?

    Hope this is the right forum.. Just wondering how long it takes everyone to mail out/receive eggs? So far I've rec'd two batches.. one from FL and one from TX. Now.. I realize they are going a long way. But both packages were sent Priority. The first one took 8 days, the second took...
  2. Queen of the Lilliputians

    DE and the Deep Litter Method

    Ok.. so have a question here, and thought maybe you DE users could give me some input. Using the deep litter method, my understanding is that a certain (albeit small) amount of moisture is necessary for the decomposition of the litter. Otherwise, it heats up too much and causes 'firefang' (at...
  3. Queen of the Lilliputians

    Thermostat on homemade 'bator

    I'm online today to buy a better thermostat for my incubator. I'm not happy with the 8-10 degree temp spread my hot water heater one provides, so thought I would buy one that was made for incubators, with the thought that it would turn light on faster, and keep temps in a 3-4 degree spread...
  4. Queen of the Lilliputians

    Incubat-able? Or just good eatin'?

    I'm sorry this picture is so horrid, but it was the best I could get after about 10 tries. Anybody know if this is fertilized or not? The pic doesn't show the outer ring as clearly as it really is, although it isn't as bright as the center dot. Meghan
  5. Queen of the Lilliputians

    Physical characteristics of blue vs. blue splash??

    Hopefully this is in the right forum. Can someone explain to me the difference between blue and blue splash? I realize the genetic difference, but I'm just confused on the physical appearance. I've seen chickens listed as "blue" that look identical to the blue-splashes I bought from a...
  6. Queen of the Lilliputians

    So no BR/d'Anvers crosses for me..

    So.. my little roo (d'Anvers) made an attempt to, um.. fertilize the eggs of my Barred Rock hen. Poor little guy. All I can say is if the cloaca was located smack dab in the the middle of her left wing, it would've been a homer. As it was.. it was a disappointing fowl (LOL! Or should I have...
  7. Queen of the Lilliputians

    Guess the Gender: Bantam Black Cochin

    Just wondering if you folks could make a guess on the gender of my little Lucky. Sorry for the pic quality, and ignore the date stamp! S/he is 4.5wks old, and is a bantam black cochin. Pic has exaggerated the redness of her comb, it's more orangey, but turns redder against her head. Waddles...
  8. Queen of the Lilliputians

    Probably a Really Stupid Question <where's the embarassed emoticon??) So.. I have my girls on Layer pellets, and I was in the henhouse and noticed that my two bantams seem to be having trouble eating them. They peck at them, but Jane acted like it was.. for lack of a better word.. stuck in her throat (it wasn't.. maybe...
  9. Queen of the Lilliputians

    Odd Situation with Breeder on Ebay

    ...e-mail me on Mon to see where we're at. Our conversations have been completely civil. I'm a bit irritated that I felt like she was saying it was *my* fault that she didn't have my eggs. And I'm VERY irritated that she hasn't added any feedback for the auction (after all, I already paid...
  10. Queen of the Lilliputians

    Looking for pattern for homemade chicken diaper

    Weird question here. Mods, hope this is in the right place.. Anyone have a pattern for a chicken diaper? Hubby would shoot me if I bought one offline (this has to fly under the radar!). I have a ton of cloth to use. My poor little Jane! The chickens in the coop are bullying her something...
  11. Queen of the Lilliputians

    Hatching experts: Will these hatch?

    Hi! Ok, got my eggs in the mail yesterday. They had spent 6 days in the mail. 5 were broken, but that left me 10 healthy eggs (one of the broken ones was only broken on the outside.. I thought about saving it but the breakage was around most of the egg. I cracked it <actually, had a tough...
  12. Queen of the Lilliputians

    One is SQUATTING!

    WOOHOO! My pullets are 20.5wks today, and my RIR Peggy squatted for me for the first time! WOOHOO! Can't be long till eggs now!! -Meghan
  13. Queen of the Lilliputians

    Chicken breeding/inbreeding

    Hi guys! Just curious here, since I'm a long way from this . Let' say you want to sell eggs from a certain strain of a certain breed, but you only have a pair of those and it's really hard to find any others. Really, though, a trio would be better.. although that doesn't seem like an...
  14. Queen of the Lilliputians

    Irritated, think new chicken has IB *Update*

    So irritated today, and think I have decided not to purchase any more adult chickens!! ARG! Thank goodness I listen to you guys, and have my new chickens seperated from the flock. Partly this is my fault, I guess, but I'm still a newbie when it comes to many things. Bought my new chickens...
  15. Queen of the Lilliputians

    I found them! I FOUND THEM!!

    For the first time photographed and online: Lady Jane: and her boyfriend Rocky B.: WOOHOO! After an exhaustive search, I finally was able to track down a breeder for the blue splash d'Anvers!!! This was the last pair she had, since she will no longer be breeding/showing them. She did...
  16. Queen of the Lilliputians

    To those smart people who breed blues & blue splashes

    Wondering what would happen if one breeds a blue splash to a blue splash? Would the babies be blue, blue splash, and black; or all blue splash? Sorry.. I did do some genetics research online.. and sorta understand about 1/2 of it! Can't seem to figure out if blue splash is recessive <which I...
  17. Queen of the Lilliputians

    dh gets extra points today!

    So.. I'm excited so I thought I'd tell you all. My husband fluctuates between "we have plenty of chickens already!" and "do what you want honey, a few more would be ok." Weeeelll, we were talking last night, and he said I could get as many as I wanted.. that it was completely up to me. I...
  18. Queen of the Lilliputians

    Input please: when did your girls start laying?

    In my current obsession, When The Heck Will They Lay, I thought maybe I would appeal to my chicken gurus... Can you more experienced folks list your chicken breeds, and at what age each laid their first egg? I think they'll be some variation, but it'll help the waiting!! Thanks! Meghan
  19. Queen of the Lilliputians

    Looking for Chicks/Eggs Blue Splash Bearded D'Anvers

    Anyone here know where I can find either chicks or eggs of Belgium Bearded D'Anvers? I'm not looking for Quail.. looking for Blue splash/blue. I found the fanciers site, but can't seem to find a breeder who has them for sale (other than the quail coloring). Thanks guys!
  20. Queen of the Lilliputians

    And the Fugly Award goes to...

    MABEL! Poor little Mabel! It's not her fault... Wow, someone tell me that she'll be my most beautiful lady yet! And what the heck is the deal with these feathers?? She's got a purebred buff silkie mom, and an americauna (however it's spelled) dad, although not sure if he's technically...
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